A Quick Sunday Read (on Monday!) and a bit about Liminality

Hi Reader!

Happy Halloween Eve!

Exploring mysteries is a favorite pastime for many of us: in books, movies, real-life stories, as well as the mysteries of life. The latter I love to examine and dive into often, and my annual birthday post is one where I reflect on what I've hit on over the last year.

It inspired this week's piece on Thought Changer:

This is Where You Belong

As always, would love to hear your thoughts.

Quick Word - Words have power. Use them well.

This week's word: Liminality

I touched on this concept in my blog post this week. Thoughts are still germinating...

Liminality is a deepening way to think about the present moment.

"A liminal space is the 'crossing over' space, the time between 'what was' and the 'what is to come', and a place of transition and possibility.” — Claire Gillman from her book "Learning to Love the Spaces In Between"

Liminality. What an open word.

Liminality is a noun meaning "a quality of being in between two places or stages, on the verge of transitioning to something new."

Threshold. Relevance. Subtlety. Between. Space. Transition.

Originating in the 1800's, from Latin limin or limen, meaning threshold. These meanings imply a back-and-forth. The term means "the natural return, the like, the reciprocal".

"Between stimulus and response, there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor E. Frankl

Inside of crossroads and transitions, liminality abounds. The gift of being at a crossroads or in a transition, whether it be big or small, is the space for consideration. The place before choice.

“The off-center in-between state is an ideal situation in which to open our hearts and minds beyond limit.” — Pema Chodron

I devote an entire module to Crossroads & Transitions in my Art of Journaling course. It's an ideal time and space to sit with yourself and ask the questions of your inner and higher wisdom. Liminality is the kingdom for your wisdom and the highest guides to speak to you.

“The instability of the liminal space is what allows entrenched ways of being to fall away and something new to emerge.” — Justine Huxley

The threshold leading into the unknown can be scary and tentative. It takes courage to sit there.

“Honor the space between the no longer and the not yet.” — Nancy Levin

A great first step is to be aware and notice when you find yourself in a state of liminality. The place in between, after what's been and before what's to come. Recognizing it gives you power to be there by choice. To give the moment credence and effort.

"The world needs more people who know how to navigate liminal space." — Heather Plett

Something to think about.

Journal Prompt

Focus and sit in your liminal space. What's it like there? Are you open to change?

I hope you have a great week filled with moments of liminality. And, kindness.

Keep creating, abundantly,

Creative Coffee Chat

Taylor Swift has a thing or two to say about living and working abundantly as a creative artist. The proof is in the pudding as it was announced last week that she's now a billionaire.

One of her greatest strengths is her self-advocacy. As people in pursuit of creating our best work and lives, we can all learn from her! Love this article in Forbes, "13 Ways You Can Self-Advocate Like Taylor Swift" by Starla Sampaco.

Here are the 13 ways. But, read the article because the writer showcases instances where Taylor took charge and created her own story.

  1. Pitch yourself for opportunities instead of waiting for opportunities to come to you.
  2. Get visibility in front of decision-makers. Go to where they are, when they are there.
  3. Get attention from influential figures in your industry and collaborate with them.
  4. Put yourself out there, even if you're a beginner and conditions are not ideal.
  5. Bet on yourself. Believe in your own worth, even when others don’t recognize your value.
  6. Highlight your strengths, and lean into your unique value proposition.
  7. Set boundaries, and ask for what you need.
  8. Stand up for yourself when boundaries are crossed.
  9. Take credit for your work.
  10. Apply for awards.
  11. Don’t shrink yourself to make others comfortable. Take up space.
  12. Walk away from collaborations that don’t align with your long-term vision.
  13. When you’re in a position of power and privilege, advocate for others as well as yourself.

Quick Share

Bats get a bad wrap. This time of year they are symbols for horror and Halloween and dark mystery. But, bats are an important part of our ecosystem. "Farmers love bats." And, they are a fascination. Here in this interesting story from CBS Sunday Morning, "Bats are a delight instead of a fright."

Quick Jam times 5!

Creating and helping creators create is my Jam!

I have a new offering for Jammers! A five-day Creative Jam Intensive - includes 2-hour Zoom jam sessions, 5 days in a row.

Perhaps a Creative Jam Session is the key to opening the portal to your highest imagination... Click for more info about my creative coaching practices and packages. Schedule a free 20-minute call and let's talk about it!

I also currently have space for some freelance writing clients: blog posts, newsletters, long-form pieces, and ghostwriting.

PS. No doubt you receive loads of emails in your daily inbox. You got this message because you signed up for something previously (newsletter, free download, workshop, etc.). I love having you and will always try to provide some takeaways for your week, even if it's just a thought to noodle over!

While we're on the topic of your inbox, if you could do us both a favor and move this email to your inbox, if it landed somewhere else (like promotions), and/or whitelist my email address -- because I want to be in the box where your friends go, not the one with the unopened offers. :) Thank you!

That being said, if this isn't your thing, I won't take it personally if you want to unsubscribe or change your preference at the bottom of this email.

Quick Sunday Read

Quick Sunday Read celebrates creativity, offers words to contemplate for the week, and journal prompts to expand your mind and life. Join me, writer and creativity guide Cindy Yantis.

Read more from Quick Sunday Read

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