Navigating in the dark can lead to surprising things!

Hi Reader,

This morning when I padded into my dark kitchen to feed the cats, my still half-asleep body skirted around the brass drink cart hugging the wall in the dining room. It was automatic. Intrinsic.

I recalled when after I'd rearranged some of the furniture in there for a large gathering, I decided I liked the drink cart there. It was streamlined and complimented the bar cabinet nearby.

The only issue was it altered the path from the bedroom to the kitchen. The first morning I shuffled in there in the dark I rammed my thigh into its corner. Dang!

After switching on the light, examining the bruise, and feeding the cats, I reassessed the new placement of the cart. Nope, I still liked it there, so I adjusted it slightly.

Next morning, same thing. I still felt it was a good change so I stuck with it. It wasn't until this morning that it hit me how my mind and body had acclimated to the new pathway to the kitchen. It was now organic.

It's a simple little thing, but sometimes those are the game changers. It got me thinking about life path adjustments too and how simple shifts can be transformational, especially when the change becomes organic.

Here's a good journaling prompt for this weekend, to end the year on a transformative beat! What's a positive change you made this year that now feels organic? Dive into the moment when you noticed it.

It also got me thinking about how the same strategy is helpful when setting up for a game-changing year ahead.

Design the path with an overall theme, one that's open and available for shifts along the way. Then, narrow in with daily implementation, step by step.

I do a version of this every year. And, I’m excited to take you along with me as I show you how to do this for 2024.

Then, please join me for this fun, introspective workshop!

Saturday, January 6th

9AM Pacific/11AM Central/12PM Eastern

For 45-60 minutes

It's specifically on a Saturday so you’re unhurried and free to be fully present with yourself.

There'll be no sales pitch. It's an hour dedicated to you and your 2024. There will be a few prizes for showing up!

The deets are here.

DON'T want to hear any more about this workshop this round but want to stay on my list? (Please stay!) There will be a few more emails this week. --> You can unsubscribe from the Leap workshop email stream here.

I do hope to see you on the 6th! You’ll get the Zoom link and workshop materials in ensuing emails after you register.

What will you walk away with? A cool process that will provide a touchstone all year, one that will guide you to being better and empowered to thrive and elevate your life.

Imagine how great you’ll feel.

Get ready for intrinsic transformations.

With love & gratitude,

PS. No doubt you receive loads of emails in your daily inbox. You got this message because you signed up for something previously (newsletter, free download, workshop, etc.). I love having you and will always try to provide some takeaways for your week, even if it's just a thought to noodle over!

While we're on the topic of your inbox, if you could do us both a favor and move this email to your inbox, if it landed somewhere else (like promotions), and/or whitelist my email address -- because I want to be in the box where your friends go, not the one with the unopened offers. :) Thank you!

That being said, if this isn't your thing, I won't take it personally if you want to unsubscribe or change your preference at the bottom of this email.

Quick Sunday Read

Quick Sunday Read celebrates creativity, offers words to contemplate for the week, and journal prompts to expand your mind and life. Join me, writer and creativity guide Cindy Yantis.

Read more from Quick Sunday Read

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